Telephone: 0115 9879500 / 0115 9873306

Polite Notice

As an NHS patient list with the practice your trust is a valuable thing. Please treasure it.

During the pandemic it may have been difficult to make an appointment, and although the practice has been working hard to ensure access to dental care for all, the unprecedented numbers of patients requiring an appointment has increased dramatically, resulting in longer waiting times for patients. Even performing a simple filling is not as straightforward as it used to be. It takes more staff, increased PPE and, most significantly, more empty surgery time after the appointment to prevent the possible spread of the virus that causes Covid-19, which is also having an impact on the appointment waiting list.

Late cancellations and missed appointments represent a cost to the practice, when other patients could have been seen in the time set aside.
There are two crucial points to remember if you wish to continue as an NHS patient at Carlton Dental Care:-
• Not miss an appointment, be late for an appointment or cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours notice
• Not allow too long to pass between your appointments

As the pandemic is still with us, dental practices are still working under strict regulations and face challenging time restrictions. Whether you are visiting a dentist, hygienist or therapist, their time is tightly scheduled. Please respect it.

Keep your appointment to keep your place on our NHS patient list.

Please make every step necessary to make sure that you arrive in good time. Practices need to be really strict about both missed appointments and late arrivals. If you do have to cancel, please make sure you do so at least 24 hours in advance.

We are sorry but......

We value all of our patients, and we do not want to have to tell anyone, "We are sorry but we must ask you to find a different dental practice for your treatment". It is however the procedure we must follow.
Please note:
• After one missed appointment, your non-attendance or late cancellation will be recorded. When you wish to make another appointment you will be given the next available, which may not suit your routine.
• If you fail or late cancel a second appointment, Carlton Dental Care will ask you to find a different dentist.
• If you attend a second appointment, going forward we will do our best to accommodate your preferred day or time for your next appointment

Many of our patients forget to make regular visits to see their dentist, and as NHS dental registration is a thing of the past, before they realise it, it has been too long and they are no longer able to access NHS dental care.

Carlton Dental Care as a courtesy will try to remind our patients when they are due for their dental examinations via text message, emails, telephone calls and letters. However this is not mandatory and we find that many of our communications get returned as patients do not update their details with us.

What to do to keep your place on the NHS patient list:
• Always attend any appointment booked, or cancel the appointment more than 24 hours in advance
• Make sure you book your next dental examination before you leave the practice. Even if it is six, nine or even twelve months in advance, our reception team will help you make your next appointment and send you reminders nearer the time as well.
• Check and update your contact details. Be sure they are correct, especially your email address and mobile phone numbers. If we can keep in touch with you, then we can help you keep on track do you don't miss your next appointment

Carlton Dental Care

Telephone: 0115 9879500 / 0115 9873306

Carlton Dental Care Ltd
362 Carlton Hill